Monday, December 30, 2019


I am a Sufi vegan and cook without garlic and onions.  I am a different kind of vegan than you might have heard of before. I can't be called a vegetarian for I eat no thing that is derived of flesh. Lacto-vegetarian does not really fit either. We don't really have a category separating not eating flesh for health reasons....and for entirely spiritual considerations.

I do not feel it is wrong to partake of milk, or milk based products, or eggs......IF and that is the big IF, we raise those animals, those ducks or chickens ourselves; AND we raise them with Love and Nurturing care. Giving life, rather than taking life. For is this not a mother's Nature?. I have goats and I have Runner Ducks.  They eat organic. Veggies, fruit and grains. A lot of it comes from what I grow here. I buy bulk organic grains and mix them together, providing a good balance of nutrition for them.  I also do not feed them commercial products that have used manure, blood or bone meal to grow their product. For the most part, all my Lovely girls are foragers. My ducks are 8 years old and still laying. They have a lot of room to roam. They have five ponds and large mulberry trees to sit under in the summer. What could be wrong with that concept? 

I have 30 years of recipes that are geared toward cooking amounts of food for a single person. If we, as single women, do not eat properly, we cannot do our jobs properly.  If the food is Nourishing, cooked with Love and Care, we do not get tired of it, no matter how many times a week we eat it. I have so many recipes that there is a lot of variety.  A lot of recipes from different cultures......changed to reflect the way I eat. Likewise I feel the same way about honey. I have bees here. I abide by the Guardian Bee Principles. I do not take honey from the hive until spring, taking the honey that is left over from the winter stores to feed the bees that they foraged for the previous summer. In Spring they are now starting new combs and filling those combs with the Spring Goodness of the flower kingdom. I am not here to convert anyone to being a vegan. That is a choice that comes with a change in consciousness as a mother, wanting to nurture all life. You cannot, I do not feel...change people's thoughts on these kind of is something they have to come to on their own. 

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